How to integrate the WooCommerce payment method in Bookme?

If you want to use any other payment method instead of the integrated payment methods then you can integrate the WooCommerce plugin and use its payment options.

Follow the below step for integrating WooCommerce:

  1. Install and activate the WooCommerce plugin.
  2. Create a WooCommerce product that can be placed in the cart.
    You can name this product as your company name and hide it from the shop page. This product will be placed in the WooCommerce cart as the booking for the payment.
  3. Now go to Bookme Menu > Settings > WooCommerce and enable the WooCommerce option.
  4. And select the product that you created in step 2.
  5. And you can also edit the item data which will be displayed in the WooCommerce cart.

Note: This WooCommerce product is only used for connecting the Bookme plugin with WooCommerce. You do need to create services in the Bookme plugin.

